我々PAGODA TROOP AIRSOFTは2017年設立、米国、日本、香港そして中国のジョイントベンチャーによる、国際人のためのエアソフト セレクトショップです。
最先端のエアソフト製品はもちろん、ハードコアゲーマー向けのアイデア商品、国際市場ですら入手難の実物コレクター品、最新の光学機器、各国前衛ブランドとのコラボ商品や完全オリジナル企画製品等、国内問屋がらみの業界量販店には決して真似できない商品群を中心に、全て直輸入にて販売いたしております。日本最大の多国籍サバゲーチーム "TAG" (Tokyo Airsoft Group)の秘密基地でもあり、楽しい企画を盛りだくさんで計画中です。よろしくお願いします。

PAGODA TROOP AIRSOFT was founded in 2017 by individuals from USA, Japan, Hong Kong and mainland China.
Based in the heart of the Tokyo Metropolitan area, we specialize in the distribution of the latest airsoft products available to the market. We ensure that all products that we sell are of top-quality to ensure customer satisfaction.

In addition to our domestic operations -- we also conduct ourselves internationally as well. Though not fully operational -- in due time we intend to grow our exportation capabilities to become the international hub for consumers residing in and outside Japan.

We currently serve as a platform for Japan's largest international airsoft community in the Kanto region. PTA conducts regular event hosting and game coordination through social media. This is done through our own Facebook page in addition to another page called "Tokyo Airsoft Group" or TAG for short.

If you would like to join us and participate in our many events, don't hesitate to reach out to us!